Monday 23 March 2015

One way trip to mars

A one way trip to Mars? Must be crazy right, who would want to sign up for a one way ticket to death. I mean that is just completely absurd. But a Dutch company by the name of Mars One is trying to send 4 adventurous individuals into space by 2024. This will be the first time a group of humans took a trip to Mars trying to establish a self-sustaining settlement on the big red planet. I don't believe at all that this is a great idea.

I mean I would love to know in the future that I could take a spaceship ride to go and visit Mars for vacation. But for someone to really want lay down their life for a trip that may not even go as plan, well that's just ludicrous. But who am I to judge, everyone has their own reasonings for what they want to do with their life. Chief executive Bas Lansdrop told the Washington Post that we're humans and we were born to explore, that's just what we were meant to do. Although that may be true, this is peoples lives at stake for a trip that has a high chance at failure.
As the launch date for this trip draws near, it is losing at lot of interest from the public and it's sponsors.

A team of scientist found that this trip seemed a bit too dangerous and was based off too many assumptions rather than facts. Even with the setbacks that the mission is facing, the company is still very optimistic about the trip and believe it will happen. They have now selected 100 candidates to go under the training to prepare then for the trip. Some of the applicants that haven't got picked feel they weren't giving a fair chance. But the company says they pick each candidate by a point system that is fair for everyone.
With everything that is going on with this trip, it will take a lot of hard work and dedication for this trip to happen.

What if Movie review

What If, is a story of a medical school dropout Wallace who has a history of bad relationships. He decides to put his love life on hold until he meets Chantry who lives with her long time boyfriend Ben. From since Wallace and Chantry meet, they had an instant connection. They grew to be great friends in just a few days but that is what Chantry thought it all was, just friends. Even though Chantry says they're just friends, everyone can see the chemistry between them and that is something she can't deny. That is the main plot of the play, what if the love of your life is actually your best friend.

Watching the movie wasn't too exciting in the beginning but it does pick up and intrigue the viewers. Just seeing the chemistry between them grow and still having to remember that Chantry has a boyfriend can just annoy you. It has you sitting there saying to yourself Wallace and Chantry hurry up and kiss already. When Wallace and Chantry are left both naked on the beach, you're just there thinking yes finally it will happen. Then sadly you find out that nothing happens but at least they're chemistry grew.

Then finally after the long wait, Wallace tells Chantry how he truly feels about her. At first she is mad because she felt like she was being played with but then finally realized they are meant for each other. Then of course it had it's typical romantic cliché of the main couple getting married. This movie gets a solid 7.5 out of 10. It does a great job of showing the love interest between the characters but it's pretty hard to make a romantic movie that's not a cliché.

Monday 16 February 2015

Intouchables Review

The Intouchables was a great movie that displayed an amazing friendship despite the different social class between Philippe and Driss. It was a touch warming movie that can bring joys of tears to anyone's eye. For me personally I loved the movie and would give it a 8 out of 10. The Telegraph gave a great review on the movie. They did not praise the movie to be something it wasn't but also they did not criticize it as if the movie was garbage.

Telegraph conveyed the theme of the movie very well. Their review touched on the movie's theme which is give a man responsibility and he will act responsible. I believe that they were right in saying that this was the theme of the film. Once Driss got the chance to prove that he was a responsible citizen, he took it and proved to everyone he can be relied upon despite his past. I got a very optimistic message from Telegraph's review of this film. They had nothing but positives to say about the humor between an ex-convict and a person with paralysis. I do believe that was the intention of the film maker to show that although we may come from different social classes in society, that shouldn't hinder a friendship.

Telegraph's review is exactly like my opinion of this film. It was made to help break the divisions between the different social classes that we have in society. This movie did an excellent job in being an adaptation of the true story because the true story is all about a strong bond between two men and The Intouchables depicted that picture crystal clear. I believe that Telegraph did an amazing job in their review on the film The Intouchables that would make anyone want to see the movie. They were not to harsh or to nice, their review was perfectly in the middle.

My Toronto Has Failed Me


      Growing up in the Jane and Finch area comes with many social stigmas and misconceptions. People often view Jane and Finch as a poverty stricken neighbourhood that isn't the safest place to walk at night. I beg to differ; living in the so called "hood" for18 years of my life hasn't been a nightmare. My community has taught me about the different social classes in society and how one must conduct themselves to be a successful citizen. Of course my community does live up to some of the stereotypes that are associated with it but trust me it isn't that half bad.

      I believe that my community has the resources to help people live a better life but it's the choice the people of the community make. Some see the resources around us but still do not use it. My parents took advantage of the free after school programsand summer camps to help my brother and I have the experience every child should. My community has set up open gyms to help kids do something during their spare time instead of being on the streets. There are organisations such as tropicana that help youth in the community get jobs so that they do not need to sell drugs to get money. My community does have the resources to help anyone succeed in life but it is the choice people make to take the initiative and get the help.

      As a results, I believe my community did not fail me. Both my mom and dad are accountants and have a well stabled job. My parents were able to buy a house and pay off our family car. My brother is now in his 3rd year of university at York with a job at the airport and he owns his personal car. I'm now on my way to graduating high school and going on to university in September. Me growing up in the community I did was the best thing that happened to me and shaped me to what I am today.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Energy Shift

Picture of David Suzuki

David Suzuki, is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. He is often praised for his radio and television programs that explain the complexities of the natural sciences in a compelling, easily understood way. In one of his more recent articles, "Energy shift requires shift in conversation", David talks about the hypocrisy and ludicrous of the Canadian government. 

For more than a century, Canada has used abundant cheap fossil fuels. We as a nation have become dependent on such things and face a hard time trying to turn away from fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. David was 100 percent right when he said that we must face the contradiction between how we live and constraints against doing so. It was a surprise to me when reading this article to find out that Canada does not even have a national energy plan, other than the governmental desire to be a fossil fuel energy export superpower. David explains in the article that the consequences of human induced climate change is already hitting Canada hard. He even points out sarcastically that you would think a governments top priority would be to decide on the lowest emission energy path. 

David Suzuki explains the how Canada is very vulnerable to climate change and not shifting our energy source will just bring more complications in the future.  Canada's polar region heat faster than temperate and tropical zones which the Inuit have noticed the impacts for decades. Canada's marine coastline are subject to sea level rise at any time. Canada will be losing more money with all of these natural disasters if nothing is done to be stopped. And Canada's company relies on the climate to do activities such as agriculture, forestry, tourism, and winter sports. David Suzuki and all the other citizens of Canada are just waiting to see the political leadership who can help fix this problem.

Canada is just killing the country bit by bit with not paying attention to the climate change and the energy shift that is needed. David Suzuki did a wonderful job in explaining the issues that the government needs to focus on and solve. Hopefully the Steven Harper and the rest of the Canadian government will see this as a wake up call and actually start to help change and make a better future for our amazing country Canada.  

Sunday 25 January 2015

Eminem Spoofs

Spoof of Eminem's "I'm not afraid" music video

I'm Not Afraid Spoof

A spoof is a humorous imitation of something, typically a film or a particular genre of film, in which its characteristic features are exaggerated for comic effect. Spoof's are generally very satirical and provides great entertainment for anyone who is watching.  They are a great way to make light of something that is very serious. 

College Humor, a very comical website that has their own YouTube page did a hilarious parody called "I am afraid" to a Eminem's "I'm not afraid". Eminem, a well known musician in the hip hop genre wrote his song "I'm not afraid" with his underlining message being about facing life head on and not being afraid to do anything. College Humor took that and twisted it around to make one of the best parody's I ever saw. College Humor made the underlining message about being afraid of everything although trying to portray this tough guy Eminem like attitude. Taking all of Eminem's lyrics and flipping them around to make a 3 minute video full of laughter. 

Not only were changing the lyrics around a work of art, but the imitating the music video was just priceless. At the start of both video's, both men are standing on the top of a rooftop.  Eminem standing tall and fearless while starring down at the ground which would be an instant death if he were to fall. In the spoof, the actor is also standing tall but with all the fear in the world. He even has a puffer to help him breathe because he realizes how high up he is and how fatal the drop would be if he fell off.

College humor prevailed once again in making another hilarious spoof with tons of laughter. There spoof had everything you could find in a perfect spoof. I recommend them to any and everyone who has some spare time and want to watch something funny. For more laughter on other topics, check out their website and YouTube page in the link bellow.

I Am Afraid Spoof: 
Eminem Not Afraid: 
College Humor: 


Friday 23 January 2015

Will Lionel Messi leave FC Barcelona?

Picture of Lionel Messi

It has come to our attention here at sporty bro's that Lionel Messi may be on the move. As time ticks, more and more rumors about the electric goal scoring Argentinian surface around the soccer world. Messi, who currently plays for FC Barcelona has been targeted by the power dominant soccer club, Manchester United. Manchester just wrapped up a 750 million dollars deal with Adidas which virtually allows them to sign anyone on this planet.

This recent million dollar deal with Adidas also gives Manchester United the opportunity not only to sign Messi but also Juventus's young 21 year-old star midfielder Paul Pogba. Juventus stated that if the money is right then they aren't afraid to ship him out and replace him with other midfielders. Although these speculations may surface, Pogba may not be transferred until June. 

Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu says Lionel Messi's recent superb performances show he is happy with his club now and just focusing on winning trophies. Recent weeks have brought much speculation about Messi's future, especially as the Argentine himself has regularly said that he was not sure where he would be playing next season, while often adding that he would probably stay at Barcelona long-term.

Even with all of the optimism that Lionel Messi will stay, Messi and the Coach Luis Enrique had numerous  fallout with each other that are leaning to the side of Messi wanting to leave. When you have a star as big as Messi, the relationship with the coach must be strong so that the team could be on the same page. As of right now Messi will continue to play for Barcelona but come June time, he could be shipped else where.